Browse Tag by paleo

Healthy Paleo Snacks (for Hiking and Camping)

I know this post is maybe a bit off topic, but I’m off on a 2 week long-distance hiking trip in Portugal and have spent some time looking for healthy foods that I could take with me. I thought I’d share what I’ve found as it could come in handy for those of you trying to follow a paleo template as recommended in my protocols.

These are good options for healthy snacks on the go as well, not just for hiking and camping.

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Interstitial Cystitis, Protocols

The Interstitial Cystitis Diet

The Interstitial Cystitis Diet

Interstitial cystitis is a functional disorder and as such may have different causes. But most chronic orders are linked to diet and lifestyle to some degree.

Our bodies need the right building blocks to carry out repair and maintenance functions. These building blocks are nutrients, found in natural foods.

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