Browse Category by IC Stories
IC Stories

How I kept Free of Chronic Cystitis for 6 Years

After recovering from chronic bladder pain and chronic UTIs around 6 years ago my bladder health has continuously improved and is now the best it has ever been.

Today I wanted to share a bit about my ongoing health journey and what I’ve been doing to keep my bladder healthy.

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IC Stories

Kimberly’s Story: DNA Testing Changed My Life

Today I’d like to share another success story in the form of an interview with Kimberly.

Kimberly’s IC in fact turned out to be a chronic infection, which was diagnosed with new DNA testing methods and at long last she was able to receive the treatment she needed to get well.

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IC Stories

My Year on the GAPS Diet

Some of you have probably read my story on how I healed for interstitial cystitis and have seen me mention that the GAPS diet played a role in this.

Today I’d like to share a bit more about my experience with this diet – this is an old post from another blog of mine (that I have since abandoned) but since I’ve gotten a couple of questions about my experience with GAPS I thought it would be good to share it here again.

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IC Stories

Beth’s Story: Finding A Specialist Helped Me Learn How to Live a Pain-Free Life

Today I’d like to share Beth’s IC success story on how she managed to send interstitial cystitis into remission.

I found her story very inspirational and it shows once again that diet and lifestyle changes are a must when dealing with IC.

It also shows that finding the right doctor/therapist/caregiver and getting your loved ones on board is so important!

I hope this story will give you some inspiration to take the first steps improving this painful condition!

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Conditions, IC Stories, Interstitial Cystitis

Kathleen’s Story: A Personal Story of our Recovery from the effects of Monsanto’s RoundUp and the Scourge of Glyphosate. A Ten Year Journey to Hell and back.

Today I’d like to share Kathleen and Roy’s story about how they beat interstitial cystitis. I found this story very moving and inspirational – it shows once again that interstitial cystitis can be overcome.

The cause of interstitial cystitis may be different for each of us and the only way to overcome this debilitating condition is to keep searching for that root cause.

Together with her husband Roy, Kathleen finally found the root cause of her interstitial cystitis and this empowered her to overcome this condition.

This story is an account of Kathleen’s journey with interstitial cystitis, written by her husband Roy.

I hope this story will be an inspiration for you to keep searching for answers… Healing is possible!


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