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Conditions, Interstitial Cystitis

5 Tips for Dealing With Mast Cells

Last week I talked about the theory that some cases of interstitial cystitis may not be IC per se, but rather a mast cell activation disorder affecting different systems in the body.

Today I would like to offer a couple of natural options that may help to reduce mast cells or at least their effects in the body.

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Conditions, Interstitial Cystitis

Is it Really IC or could it be Mast Cell Activation Disorder?

In many cases of interstitial cystitis, mast cells are raised in the bladder and play a big role in the unpleasant symptoms of an IC flare. Modern medicine likes to put names on symptoms but sometimes this may not describe the real issue well.

Interstitial cystitis is often a diagnosis of exclusion and similar to syndromes such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) it is a functional disorder with an array of symptoms. The condition in itself could even be a symptom in itself. In the case of raised mast cells the question is whether it is really IC or could it be mast cell activation disorder (MCAD)?

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Conditions, Cystitis

Eating Chicken Could Give You Urinary Tract Infections

Most of us are aware of the dangers of food poisoning, especially from raw meat. But what if other infections in the body could also be transmitted via food? Well’ research shows that this is unfortunately often the case [1]. Conventionally raised chicken meat could harbor pathogenic E. Coli, the most prevalent bacteria to cause urinary tract infections.

From the meat, these pathogens could pass over to humans and cause infections.

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Conditions, Interstitial Cystitis

Why Stress Can Trigger Interstitial Cystitis Flares

Both emotional and physiological stressors seem to trigger flares of interstitial cystitis in some patients. For me that was certainly the case. Therefore, I’d like to have a look at why stress can trigger interstitial cystitis flares.

Stress may be one of the biggest culprits of modern life when it comes to triggering chronic illness. The problem seems to be that there is an evolutionary mismatch between the body’s stress response and what we perceive as being stressful.

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Conditions, Cystitis

The Vaginal Bacterium That Can Trigger UTIs

Researchers have identified a common vaginal bacterium that may trigger UTIs.

This could explain why recurring episodes of UTIs are often triggered by sexual intercourse.

The bacterium called Gardnerella vaginalis may not only be responsible for triggering UTIs, it may also be a contributor to more serious kidney infections.

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Conditions, Cystitis, Interstitial Cystitis, Overactive Bladder

Intracellular Bacteria: The Hidden Cause of Bladder Problems

There is new(ish) evidence emerging that recurrent UTIs, also known as chronic cystitis, are not always caused by a reinfection with a new pathogen but rather can be a relapse of the same pathogen.

It turns out that pathogenic bacteria have the ability to invade the cells of the bladder and live there in a dormant sleep-like state.

This is called an ‘intracellular bacterial community’.

In this state, the bacteria remain undetected by standard urine testing and unaffected by antibiotic treatment. They also remain undetected by our own immune system.

Now and again they can leave the cells, causing a relapse of the urinary tract infection.

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Conditions, Cystitis, Interstitial Cystitis

Can Antibiotics Cause Interstitial Cystitis and Chronic UTIs?

For anyone who has read my own story, you may remember that repeated courses of antibiotics for chronic UTIs kicked off my interstitial cystitis a few years ago. Can antibiotics cause interstitial cystitis and chronic UTIs? For me, they have definitely played a big role.

This question has been at the back of my mind for a while and today I would like to take a look at some of the scientific evidence to answer this question.

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