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Interstitial Cystitis, Protocols

CBD Oil For Chronic (Bladder) Pain

CBD oil has gained more and more popularity with chronic illness sufferers in recent years and since it has been legalized in many US states and also in the UK, it is starting to be more readily available (I only just saw it today at Holland & Barrett in town!).

Since one of the symptoms of interstitial cystitis is pain, CBD oil is of potential use. There is much need for a safe and natural pain remedy, as the alternatives are rather risky long-term (e.g. opioids, ibuprofen).

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Interstitial Cystitis, Protocols

Physical Therapy For Interstitial Cystitis

As you might know from my previous post on the most effective natural therapies for interstitial cystitis, physical therapy is up there on the list of the top 3 most effective non-invasive and natural therapies.

As I know very little on the subject I thought it might be a good idea to get the view of an expert in the field. Therefore I got in touch with the  wonderful Nicole Cozean, author of the book The Interstitial Cystitis Solution Physiotherapist over at Pelvic Sanity, who was so kind to share her knowledge and experience with us!

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Interstitial Cystitis, Protocols

Acupuncture for Interstitial Cystitis and Pelvic Pain

Acupuncture has been used widely for chronic pain conditions for a long time and therefore lends itself as a potential therapy for interstitial cystitis and pelvic pain and I’m sure at least some of you have already tried it.

It seems to me that acupuncture is widely accepted these days by conventional practitioners, but as with any abstract therapy it remains controversial. In today’s post I’d like to take a closer look at what evidence we have for it.

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Interstitial Cystitis, Protocols

The Most Effective Natural Therapies For IC (According To Science)

Many IC sufferers I have spoken to are either interested in trying alternative natural therapies, or have already tried some.

There are a variety of natural therapies and remedies out there, and often it is hard to know what is effective. In my experience, this is highly individual. We do, however, have some data on what seems to help the most people.

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Interstitial Cystitis, Protocols

Aloe Vera for Interstitial Cystitis (and a Giveaway!)

Aloe vera is a traditional herb that has been used in ancient cultures and is used today both topically and orally for various therapeutic purposes.

Aloe vera is one of the herbal remedies used for interstitial cystitis. Today, I wanted to have a closer look at how and why it’s used for IC and, as usual, what evidence we have behind it. Plus, I have a giveaway for you (who doesn’t like free stuff?!) so make sure you read on till the end!

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Cystitis, Cystitis

Uva Ursi for Urinary Tract Infections

Uva Ursi is an evergreen shrub of which the leaves have been used traditionally as a remedy for urinary tract infections. It is also known as bearberry.

It is traditionally used as a tea or tincture, but also available in capsule form. I have previously listed it in natural antibiotics, but today I would like to take a closer look at how it’s used and what evidence we have behind its usage.

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Cystitis, Protocols

D-mannose for Urinary Tract Infections

D-mannose is one of those supplements often used for chronic urinary tract infections. While I’ve heard some very positive reviews about it, it never helped me back when I took it myself.

Therefore I wanted to examine the evidence behind D-mannose a bit closer to see how useful it actually is for those struggling with chronic UTIs.

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Low-Level Laser Therapy For Chronic Pain


Low level laser therapy is also known as light therapy or photobiomodulation. There’s different forms of light therapy, but this form mainly refers to red-light therapy of a specific wavelength.

It sounds pretty esoteric, but actually it has been used by NASA to help plants grow in space and by farmers for breeding chicks and other livestock. But it has also been used therapeutically for humans, especially in the context of recovery from physical exercise.

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Interstitial Cystitis, Protocols

Oxalates and Interstitial Cystitis

Oxalates are the salt form of oxalic acid, an acid that is found in many plant foods and can also be produced in the body.

Oxalic acid can form oxalate crystals when binding to minerals such as calcium. When deposited in the body, these can cause a lot of pain, similar to tiny glass shards.

This is probably most well-known with regards to kidney stones, which can often be oxalate/calcium stones.

There is also some evidence that excess oxalates could play a role in painful bladder conditions, such as interstitial cystitis. However, this evidence is more anecdotal than based on scientific studies (as there haven’t been any studies that I know of). Today I would like to look at some potential connections between oxalates and interstitial cystitis.

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