Browse Author by Layla
Welcome! I'm Layla, a Nutritional Therapist and musician. I've recovered from bladder issues - and so can you! My mission is to provide helpful, informative and science-backed material to empower you to overcome bladder issues naturally through diet and lifestyle changes.
Cystitis, Interstitial Cystitis

The Importance of Vitamin C for Chronic Bladder Problems (And How To Take It)

Vitamin C is probably the most well-known and studied vitamin. I’ve come to believe that it may also be one of the most important ones for people suffering from chronic bladder problems, which I’d like to explain in today’s post.

If you have interstitial cystitis (IC), you may have been told to stay clear of vitamin C supplements – a.k.a Ascorbic Acid. Why? Because as the name suggests, it is rather acidic and could therefore be rather uncomfortable when getting in contact with inflamed tissue. But fear not, I will explain how you can take it without the burn!

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Health Articles

Tried and Tested: The ‘Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush’

Welcome back to ‘Tried and Tested’, my series where I share my experience playing guinea pig with various ‘alternative’ health ‘treatments’.

This week I’m sharing my experience with the ‘Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush’. Sounds a bit whacky – well, in my experience it probably is!

The idea behind the flush is to release any stones that may be stuck in the gallbladder, thereby improving digestion and detoxification and leading to greater well-being.

But my own experience had nothing to do with well-being…

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IC Stories

Kimberly’s Story: DNA Testing Changed My Life

Today I’d like to share another success story in the form of an interview with Kimberly.

Kimberly’s IC in fact turned out to be a chronic infection, which was diagnosed with new DNA testing methods and at long last she was able to receive the treatment she needed to get well.

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Conditions, Cystitis, Interstitial Cystitis

Better Testing For Chronic Urinary Tract Symptoms

Many chronic lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) may actually be associated with undetected chronic infections [1]. Testing is still based on the assumption that the bladder is sterile (and it’s not!) – I have written about the problems with gold standard urine testing in the past.

Today I would like to give you a list of some alternatives to standard urine testing.

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Conditions, Cystitis, Interstitial Cystitis

The Bladder-Gut Connection

Hippocrates already said over 2000 years ago that ‘all disease begins in the gut’. Today, we’re understanding more and more how right he was.

For me personally, gut issues preceded the onset of chronic cystitis and interstitial cystitis. When my gut was at its worst, so was my bladder. I have no doubt that, similarly to many other conditions, the gut is implicated in bladder problems.

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Health Articles

Bladder Help Consultations

It’s been a very busy past 2 years: besides starting this Blog and working full-time I have also been studying to become a Nutritional Therapist with the goal of opening my own practice at some point.

I’m happy to announce that the hard work has paid off and that I can now call myself a Nutritional Therapist and am able to offer 1-on-1 consultations. I have been busy these past few weeks setting up my practice (so apologies for the lack of new posts!).

My own experience with chronic urinary problems, as well as the research I have done for this blog has inspired me to specialize in bladder health.

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Conditions, Interstitial Cystitis

The Problem with B Vitamin Supplements and Interstitial Cystitis

I have been mainly clear of bladder symptoms for over 3 years now. One of the few things that can still flare up interstitial cystitis symptoms for me are B vitamin complex supplements. These tend to cause a burning sensation and a slight loss of bladder muscle tone. There is a reason why B vitamin supplements can be a problem for IC sufferers, which I’d like to share with you today.

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Conditions, Interstitial Cystitis

Could These Amino Acids Be Triggering Your Interstitial Cystitis?

Amino acids are derived from protein and they are the main building blocks in the body. For example, they are used to make hormones, neurotransmitters and enzymes. Some of them are essential, meaning they need to be taken in from the diet, whilst the others can be manufactured in the body.

As you hopefully can see from the above, amino acids are pretty important. But some of them can become problematic for people with bladder pain. These are tyrosine, tryptophan, tyramine and phenylalanine (called the ‘arylalkylamines’).

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Healthy Paleo Snacks (for Hiking and Camping)

I know this post is maybe a bit off topic, but I’m off on a 2 week long-distance hiking trip in Portugal and have spent some time looking for healthy foods that I could take with me. I thought I’d share what I’ve found as it could come in handy for those of you trying to follow a paleo template as recommended in my protocols.

These are good options for healthy snacks on the go as well, not just for hiking and camping.

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