
How To Make Ghee (And Why You Should)

I am in the process of moving over some of the posts from an older blog about healthy lifestyle that I have kind of lost interest in writing. Therefore, some posts may not be directly related to bladder conditions but to a healthy lifestyle overall, which (in my opinion) is key to overcoming chronic health problems. Here is another recipe for you that may come in useful when changing to a ‘real food’ diet. This post explains how to make ghee (clarified butter) and the benefits of ghee.

When I first learned that butter may actually have quite a few health benefits I was over the moon. I LOVE butter.

However, for people with dairy intolerance, butter could be an issue. This is especially true for people with casein allergies, where even the smallest bit of milk protein can cause an immune reaction.

Butter also burns easier at high temperatures and goes rancid quicker than its clarified sister: Ghee.

I am not making a point against butter but if you can’t tolerate it or are looking for a fat that keeps longer and has a higher smoke point than butter, consider adding ghee to your diet. By all means use both!

What is Ghee

Ghee is clarified butter.

This means that the milk solids and proteins are removed from butter, leaving us with just the fat.

Ghee is a golden, semi-solid fat that smells and tastes slightly of popcorn.

Health Benefits of Ghee

Ghee may have many health benefits and has been used in Ayuvedic medicine for a long time. If sourced from grass fed cows, ghee may be rich in vitamin K2, which is important for blood clotting and building bones, and also CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) which has antioxidant and anti-viral properties.

Further, it contains butyric acid and omega-3 fatty acids which may have health benefits such as anti-inflammatory properties and providing fuel for cells in the colon.

Ghee also contains medium chain fatty acids which are directly processed by the liver and converted into energy. Moreover, it can contain the fat soluble vitamins A, D and E, which help support the immune system, eye health and have antioxidant activities.

And if all these benefits aren’t reason enough to add Ghee to your diet here are some practical reasons: Ghee can store for a long time at room temperature if prepared properly.

It has a very high smoking point of 250°C which makes it ideal for baking and deep frying. It also means that it doesn’t burn or go rancid easily. Moreover, as all the milk solids that are present in butter have been removed, Ghee may be tolerated bu people who are normally intolerant to dairy (but still be careful if you have a severe casein allergy).

Buying Ghee can be expensive, especially if you’re after good quality organic Ghee.

Making your own will only cost about a third (i.e two blocks of butter) and it is extremely easy to make.

Makes 500 g


  • 2 blocks of organic unsalted but­ter


  1. Gen­tly melt the but­ter in a large pan (I use my stock pot)
  2. At low heat, keep the but­ter bub­bling. White foam will rise to the top
  3. With a spoon pull the foam to the side occa­sion­ally so you can see the bot­tom of the pan. After about 20 mins the bits on the bot­tom will turn brown and the but­ter will smell a bit like pop­corn. This is the sign that the milk solids have sep­a­rated. Turn the heat off and let the ghee cool down a bit.

4. Pour the ghee through a cheese cloth into a glass jar to sep­a­rate the milk solids from the but­ter fat.

5.The liq­uid ghee should be gold in color and not con­tain any solids. Let the ghee cool down.The ghee will become solid at room tem­per­a­ture and will keep for many months


Natural News The surprising health benefits of butter September 07, 2014

Khosla Ishi, Khosla1 Gayatri C Saturated fats and cardiovascular disease risk: A review Year : 2017 | Volume:  6 | Issue Number:  2 | Page: 56-59;year=2017;volume=6;issue=2;spage=56;epage=59;aulast=Khosla

The Paleo Mom The Great Dairy Debate October 13, 2012

Mohammed L.Sserunjogi et al A Review Paper: Current Knowledge of Ghee and Related Products International Dairy Journal Volume 8, Issue 8, August 1998, Pages 677-688


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